The Host Publications team is honored to announce Claudia Delfina Cardona and her manuscript What Remains as the winner of the Host Publications Chapbook Prize for Fall 2020.

We have long admired Claudia as a member of the Texas poetry community, and as an artist brilliant in the realms of writing, graphic design, and editing. Her manuscript, What Remains, is a collection of poems propelled by impulse, desire and an ancestral sense of longing. These poems are experiential; they exist within the dark and splendid catacombs of the body, in the dusty moonlit Texas nights, and invite us into their own glittery mythos of what it means to be a young woman falling in and out of love in San Antonio.
Claudia Delfina Cardona is a poet born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. She received her B.A. from St. Mary’s University and her MFA in Creative Writing from Texas State University. She co-founded Chifladazine in 2013, a zine that highlights creative work by Latinas and Latinxs, alongside Laura Valdez. In 2019, she co-founded Infrarrealista Review, a literary journal for all types of Texan writers, with Linda Rivas Vázquez. Cardona loves music and films as much as she loves poetry. She is an aspiring DJ and cultural critic. Read her poems at
In addition to publication, Claudia will receive $1,000, 25 copies of the published chapbook, national distribution with energetic publicity and promotion by our dedicated staff, and a (hopefully, if we can safely do this) rad release party at Malvern Books here in Austin, TX.
Save The Date: Claudia Delfina Cardona's chapbook launch will October 2020.