❤️ Announcing our Fall 2025 & Spring 2026 Titles ❤️


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Publicity & Advanced Review Copies

To request advance or review copies of any of our titles, please include:

  • Your affiliation/s
  • Online links to your work (if not available please send a short bio)
  • Your complete mailing address.

We will try our best to fulfill your request in a timely manner.

We appreciate an email with the a link or copy once your review or interview is published. 

All media inquiries should also be made through Managing Editor, Annar Veröld at annar [at] hostpublications.com.


Please send all inquiries to thehostdispatch@gmail.com


Our Policy Regarding Unsolicited Manuscripts:

At this time, Host Publications cannot accept unsolicited manuscripts. Our small staff is dedicated and focused on publishing books, and cannot properly assess unsolicited work with the attention it deserves.

The best way to stay in touch is to follow us on social media or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.


At this time, Host Publications does not have any open positions. All future openings will be announced through social media and our monthly newsletter.

Because our small staff is dedicated and focused on publishing books, we will not be reviewing or responding to job inquiries.


We don't currently have any openings for internships, but that could change in the future. Subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media to stay in touch. 

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