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You Are Not Alone: Financial Resources for Writers

Dear friends,
So many writers we love are facing financial uncertainty during this time. If you're a writer that is facing income loss [or someone who loves a writer facing income loss], this blog post is for you.
Navigating the world of financial resources for writers during the time of COVID-19 is overwhelming. After several hours of research, I compiled this list of resources that best suits writers and authors. If you'd like to suggest a financial resource to add to the list, please email me at annar [at] hostpublications.com.
Take a deep breath, you've got this.
Assistance in the United States

Alliance of Artists Communities (AAC)

A great fund for folks who have already been accepted and scheduled for a residency, but can no longer participate because of COVID-19. AAC disperses mini-grants of up to $1,000. The residency must be an organizational member of AAC, check their status here.

American Society of Journalists and Authors

If you are a journalist with 5 published articles from regional or national publications or an author with one book published by a major publishing house and cannot work because you are currently ill or caring for someone who is ill, apply for this grant.

Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund

The Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund is intended to help those pursuing careers as artists or arts administrators whose income has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund is for those who self-identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). If you fit this description and you are in need of short-term, immediate financial assistance – we would like to help. Please answer the questions below, and we will contact you if needed. Funds will be disbursed in the amount of $200 per person, on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Author's League Fund

Assistance offered for career writers with at least one title published by an established traditional publisher. Journalists, critics, essayists, short story writers, and poets with a substantial body of work in periodicals are also welcomed to apply.

Disabled Creator and Activist Pandemic Relief

Not funding quite yet, but help these organizers help you. To support disabled activists and creators that have lost honorariums and sales due to conference and event cancelations, volunteers are collecting information to organize a relief fund. More information on the google form.

PEN American Writer's Emergency Fund

PEN American will distribute $500 - $1,000 to fiction & nonfiction authors, poets, playwrights, screenwriters, translators, and journalists that meet their guidelines. They have streamlined their process and applications will be reviewed and responded to within 10 days. 

Texas Assistance
Austin - Austin Creative Alliance Emergency Fund
Austin-based artists may apply for up to $500 to replace verifiable lost income due to the cancellation of a specific, scheduled gig or opportunity (i.e. commissions, performances, contracts) due to Coronavirus/COVID-19 precautionary measures.
Dallas - Dallas Artist Relief Fund
Creating Our Future is a group of artists and arts advocates in Dallas who are raising money to support artists and freelancers who are taking financial hits as a result of closures and lost income from COVID-19. The donated grant funding is aimed at helping with financial assistance for low-income, BIPOC, trans/GNC/NB/Queer artists. 
Regional Assistance 
Boston Artist Relief Fund
Awards $500 in funding for Boston artists whose creative practices and incomes have been impacted by COVID-19. Applications will close on April 30th.
Canadian Writers' Fund
Emergency funding to Canadian writers facing lost income because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Awards $1,500 to successful applicants. First round deadline is April 9th.

Illinois Arts Relief Fund 

For practicing artists experience financial loss or hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Application portal will close on April 8th.

Indy Arts & Culture COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund

 Awards $500 to Indiana-based artists.

North Carolina Artist Relief Fund

Emergency funding artists based out of North Carolina facing lost income because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

San Francisco Arts & Artists Relief Fund

San Francisco Arts Commission (SFAC) and Grants for the Arts (GFTA) have launched an emergency relief fund—the San Francisco Arts & Artists Relief Fund—to mitigate COVID-19 related financial losses that artists and small to mid-size arts and culture organizations have suffered. Applicants must be full-time San Francisco residents.

Washington COVID-19 Artist Trust Relief Fund

Emergency funding artists based out of Washington State facing lost income because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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