❤️ Announcing our Fall 2025 & Spring 2026 Titles ❤️

Ambers Aglow: An Anthology of Contemporary Polish Women's Poetry

Regular price $20.00 Sale price $20.00

An Anthology of Contemporary Polish Women's Poetry
Edited and translated by Regina Grol

The most expansive anthology of its kind, Ambers Aglow features the work of 30 of Poland's most influential and talented female poets, including Nobel Prize winner Wisława Szymborska.

Ambers Aglow gives a vivid portrait of Poland's political and cultural world—before, during and after the fall of Communism. This powerful collection offers the reader an opportunity to experience the joys, sorrows and humanity of these gifted writers. 

As the recent award of the Nobel Prize to Wisława Szymborska has shown, Polish women's poetry constitutes a powerful body of literature, which deserves to be better known in the West. This judiciously chosen and excellently translated anthology illustrates the range of that poetry, its stylistic variety and interest. An important and richly rewarding collection.

– Eva Hoffman


8.5" x 5.5"
440 pages

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