❤️ Announcing our Fall 2025 & Spring 2026 Titles ❤️

Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas by Fernando A. Flores

Product image 1Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas by Fernando A. Flores
Product image 2Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas by Fernando A. Flores
Product image 3Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas by Fernando A. Flores
Product image 4Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas by Fernando A. Flores
Product image 5Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas by Fernando A. Flores
Product image 6Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas by Fernando A. Flores
Product image 7Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas by Fernando A. Flores
Product image 8Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas by Fernando A. Flores

Regular price $15.00

A collection of ten punk rock fairy-tales about artists and misfits trying to make noise and live forever in the unforgiving landscape of the Rio Grande Valley.

Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas is a psychedelic romp through the Rio Grande Valley music scene. This collection of 10 punk rock fairy-tales offers a prismatic view of a subculture so rich that if it knew its own worth, it just might revolt against itself. This is the book you wish you had as a teenager, headphones on, waiting at a bus stop for a ride to the record store.

The first bit of rock and roll Baldemar Baca ever heard was under a cold October night at the Mallory migrant worker barracks in Agatha, Illinois, from a little AM radio that belonged to his uncle. Baldemar slept in a boxy room shared with his mother, father, younger brother Betito, and three-year-old-sister, Lucy. He held the little radio close to his ear under the covers, with the pillow over his head so nobody would wake and tell him to shut that thing off and go to sleep.”from Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas

Fernando A. Flores was born in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and raised in the U.S. His debut novel, Tears of the Trufflepig, was released Spring 2019 by MCD x FSG Originals.

Winner of the 2018 Discovery Prize in Fiction by Texas Book Awards

Rolling Stone: Real Life Rock Top 10

Barrelhouse: Ted Cruz Hates Rock or How to Get Lost in the Valley of Punk

Porter House Review: Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas Review


Guernica: "The oldest stories of this land were fantastical in essence" - an interview with Fernando. A. Flores.

Porter House Review: Breaking the Borders of the Artist - An Interview with Fernando A. Flores

Sight Lines Mag: Always Changing, Fernando A. Flores on Writing Fiction That's Totally Fictive

7" x 5.5"
160 pages

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