❤️ Announcing our Fall 2025 & Spring 2026 Titles ❤️

I Scream Social Anthology

Product image 1I Scream Social Anthology
Product image 2I Scream Social Anthology
Product image 3I Scream Social Anthology
Product image 4I Scream Social Anthology
Product image 5I Scream Social Anthology

Regular price $15.00

Bursting with diverse tones and genres the I Scream Social Anthology
is a space where women fiercely showcase their human experiences.

An anthology drawn from the feminist reading series of the same name, the I Scream Social Anthology features poetry, prose, and drama by 45 visionary women writers that have been featured artists on the series stage.

I Scream Social is a feminist reading series based out of Austin, Texas. Inspired by a craving for free ice cream and chill female representation in the literary scene, Schandra and Annar began hosting I Scream Social in June 2015 at Malvern Books. This anthology captures the welcoming and fierce space of badass women and nonbinary writers over the course of I Scream Social’s first two years.

The anthology includes an editor’s note by Schandra Madha and Annar Veröld, an introduction by Kimberly Alidio, and cover art by Nat Bradford.

Featuring work by:
Kristin Anderson, Claire Bowman, Ellie Francis Douglass, Samantha Duncan, Rachel Segura Elliott, Marilyse V. Figueroa, Kendra Fortmeyer, Stephanie Goehring, Katrina Goudey, Meg E. Griffitts, Janalyn Guo, Sarah Hackley, Autumn Hayes, Julie Howd, Maggie Ilersich, Amanda Johnston, Julie Kantor, Katelin Kelly, Jenny Keto, Taisia Kitaiskaia, Laura Kraay, Heather Lefebvre, Veronica Martin, Tiffany Mendoza, S. A. Newsom, Diana Khoi Nguyen, Tú-Uyên Nguyễn, Jenna Martin Opperman, mónica teresa ortiz, Aza Pace, Paz Pardo, Blake Lee Pate, Julie Poole, Layne Ransom, A. R. Rogers, Natalie D. Ruiz, Micah Ruelle, Molly Schulman, Alana Torrez, Jessie Torrisi, Leticia Urieta, Melanie Westerberg, Allyson Whipple, Jess Wolford, and Danielle Zaccagnino  

Electric Literature: How to Create a Feminist Reading Series Where Everyone Gets Ice Cream

Conflict of Interest ATX: Value in the Things We Love, Celebrating 3 Years of I Scream Social 


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