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threesome in the last Toyota Celica & other circus tricks by m. mick powell

Product image 1threesome in the last Toyota Celica & other circus tricks by m. mick powell
Product image 2threesome in the last Toyota Celica & other circus tricks by m. mick powell
Product image 3threesome in the last Toyota Celica & other circus tricks by m. mick powell
Product image 4threesome in the last Toyota Celica & other circus tricks by m. mick powell
Product image 5threesome in the last Toyota Celica & other circus tricks by m. mick powell
Product image 6threesome in the last Toyota Celica & other circus tricks by m. mick powell

Regular price $10.00

Winner of the Fall 2023 Host Publications Chapbook Prize


Featuring an introduction by poet, mother, and educator Brittany Rogers. 

Formally inventive, emotionally symphonic, glittering and fractal—threesome in the last Toyota Celica & other circus tricks sways on the edge of molten passion, gazing down into the complicated violence and revelries of its origins. In modes of praise and elegy, this work sings about Black queer femmehood in harmonies of multiple voices, asserting the self as ever-changing and voluminous. Always in hot pursuit of fresh desire, m. mick powell’s work shows us that to be human is to exist on the precipice of transformation, where all things are gilded with the luster of deep longing, even as the world burns.  

m. mick powell (she/they) is a queer Black Cape Verdean femme, a poet, an artist, and an Aries. Their poems have been nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology and a Pushcart Prize, and appear in Muzzle, Frontier Poetry, Up the Staircase Quarterly, and elsewhere. A 2023 Tin House Resident and professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies, mick enjoys chasing waterfalls and being in love. Keep up with her at mickpowellpoet.com and on IG @mickmakesmagic.art

The official threesome in the last Toyota Celica & other circus tricks playlist,
curated by m. mick powell 

Bonus Content:
Watch the threesome in the last Toyota Celica launch w/ m. mick powell, Jae Nichelle, and Brittany Rogers.
Three Poems by m. mick powell in Honey Literary
One Poem by m. mick powell in Up The Staircase
Three Poems by m. mick powell in Iterant Issue 6

50 pages
ISBN: 978-1-7376050-4-1
ISBN short: 1-7376050-4-X

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