Choose 3: Chapbook Series Bundle

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A very special bundle featuring titles from the Host Publications Chapbook Series.
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With this purchase you can choose between:
+ Survived By: An Atlas of Disappearance by Stephanie Niu
+ threesome in the last Toyota Celica by m. mick powell
+ Gemini Gospel by Bianca Alyssa Pérez
+ But for I Am a Woman by Sophia Stid
+ Sixteen Rabbits by Maryan Nagy Captan
+ mistaken for loud comets by lily someson
+ What Remains by Claudia Delfina Cardona
+ Threshold by Julie Howd
+ from The Water [Inaudible] by Stephanie Goehring
About Survived By: An Atlas of Disappearance by Stephanie Niu (Spring 2024)
Full of lament and wonder in equal measure, Stephanie Niu’s poems are maps that guide us to a place of intimate attention where we can hold what is most vulnerable and tender on this planet, to better understand what has already been lost and what is currently at stake. These poems collect fragments of memory to shape an archive of things lost—from the fleeting raptures of childhood to the species nearing and beyond extinction.
About threesome in the last Toyota Celica & other circus tricks by m. mick powell (Fall 2023)
Formally inventive, emotionally symphonic, glittering and fractal—threesome in the last Toyota Celica & other circus tricks sways on the edge of molten passion, gazing down into the complicated violence and revelries of its origins. In modes of praise and elegy, this work sings about Black queer femmehood in harmonies of multiple voices, asserting the self as ever-changing and voluminous. Always in hot pursuit of fresh desire, m. mick powell’s work shows us that to be human is to exist on the precipice of transformation, where all things are gilded with the luster of deep longing, even as the world burns.
About Gemini Gospel by Bianca Alyssa Pérez (Spring 2023)
Moving through grief and memory, this stunning debut collection takes us by the hand to experience all of what is sacred in the process of authentic self-discovery. Pérez’s poems boldly explore identity through her lineage of spirituality and Latina roots, even as they move into uncharted territory. In true Gemini fashion, the inherited self is entwined with the one that is discovered, loss is braided with luminous love, and no matter how deep grief runs, it brings us always back to tenderness: “It’s not easy / to remember to water the plants, / to shower and to forgive the body.” In elegizing her father, the poet expresses a tenderness that is so deeply touching to behold, it becomes a lesson in love itself: “The last thing we hope he hears / is the ocean & the sound of his boat’s hull / hitting a small wave and the seagulls— / god, I hope he hears the seagulls.”
About But for I Am a Woman by Sophia Stid (Fall 2022)
In But for I Am a Woman, Sophia Stid’s work explores the intersection of personal autonomy and deep spiritual connection through the writings and life of Julian of Norwich (ca. 1342 – 1416), a mystic who was the first woman known to write a book in the English language, “a woman who had herself / declared dead / so she could write.” Through this companionship, Stid creates a reliquary of language, poems as physical containers for the sacred, gathered like loose rosary beads from the floorboards. It is through the physical body that these poems eloquently chisel a space for reconciliation and grief-healing, bathing “in water, words, and other lives.”
About Sixteen Rabbits by Maryan Nagy Captan (Spring 2022)
Sixteen Rabbits transports us through dream, memory, place and time, by opening portals that exist in the liminal space between two worlds. These meditative journeys spring from a deep nostalgia, and one of the most urgent expressions of longing in Captan’s work is that of the displaced, yearning for home. Through displacement, religious persecution, and trauma, these poems come shimmering forth ‘in full-bodied reverie’ seeking divine wisdom which echoes throughout Sixteen Rabbits like a summons–to see this moment, this place, this life–in all of its enchantment. As Captan writes: ‘reverence, / I am writing with reverence.’
About mistaken for loud comets by lily someson (Spring 2021)
mistaken for loud comets is a collection of poems that intertwines experiences around incarceration, queerness, and the Black body in America. In this chapbook, lily someson leads us through the Indiana dunes, into dusk air as incarcerated men are beamed into the heavens, and into the rooms of a house she built around herself, creating “a world without confinement.” someson’s poetic genius can be felt in her fortitude—she embraces the storm with startling empathy, and within these poems, offers up her most vulnerable moments alongside her most resolute proclamations of selfhood, claiming space on the page as if fighting for her birthright. Exploring the outermost limits of identity with a gentle, inquiring mind, someson lets the poems in mistaken for loud comets be “everything/ all at once.”
About What Remains by Claudia Delfina Cardona (Fall 2020)
What Remains is a collection of poems propelled by impulse, desire and an ancestral sense of longing. These poems are experiential; they exist within the dark and splendid catacombs of the body, in dusty moonlit Texas nights, and invite us into their own glittery mythos of what it means to be a young woman falling in and out of love in San Antonio.
What Remains begins with a portrait of a Brown girl growing up in San Antonio: a girl whose "tongue [is] burnt from gas station coffee," and who wears "a name dipped in gold." She invites us to "lay [our] head / on [her] chest and listen," to stir "your margarita / with a chamoy-coated straw", and to play "a guessing game of gunshot / or firework." We settle into the rich and storied landscape of San Antonio just in time to be lunged into a dimension of lust, loving, and longing, "toward someplace too dark for us to see—", only to return to what remains.
About Threshold by Julie Howd (Spring 2020)
Julie Howd's poems reach backward and forward in time simultaneously, breathing life into the language of antiquity, while fearlessly exploring of the issues that flood our present-day consciousness. This is deeply empathetic work; poetry in tune with the threats facing our natural world, our sanity, our joy and our sacred communal birthright to create art. As Taisaia Kitaiskaia says in the introduction: "Because of Threshold, poetry is evergreening right now, heady with hope, creeping with delight."
About from The Water [Inaudible] by Stephanie Goehring (Fall 2019)
In this excerpt from her book-length poem, The Water [Inaudible], Goehring gives voice to the voiceless. These poetic sequences exist within an eerie fog-filled forest, a crime scene in the mind of a young girl. They speak from the fluid nature of the girl's traumatic experience and society's forced repression of that experience, as she moves in and out of visibility from the thick haze. The Water [Inaudible] resists the structures of power that extinguish the stories of victims with an incantation, blending the languages of the unconscious mind, of the legal system, and the watery realm of memory.
Author Bios:
Stephanie Niu is a Chinese-American poet, digital humanities scholar, and ecology enthusiast from Marietta, Georgia. She is the author of She Has Dreamt Again of Water, winner of the 2021 Diode Editions Chapbook Contest, and the editor of Our Island, Our Future: A Zine of Youth Poetry from Christmas Island. Her poems have appeared in Copper Nickel, Missouri Review, Georgia Review, and elsewhere. She is the recipient of a Fulbright scholarship for community archiving research on Christmas Island’s immigration and labor history.
m. mick powell (she/they) is a queer Black Cape Verdean femme, a poet, an artist, and an Aries. Their poems have been nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology and a Pushcart Prize, and appear in Muzzle, Frontier Poetry, Up the Staircase Quarterly, and elsewhere. A 2023 Tin House Resident and professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies, mick enjoys chasing waterfalls and being in love. Keep up with her at and on IG
Bianca Alyssa Pérez was born and raised in Mission, Texas—a small southern town bordering Mexico. She holds her MFA in Poetry from Texas State University, where she also teaches. She is the 2022-2023 Clark House Writer-In-Residence. You can find her writing in Magma Poetry, ReclamationATX, Psst! Press’s The Sappho Diaries, East French Press, the New York Quarterly, Re-side Zine, The Ice Colony Anthology, and The Porter House Review. She is also the co-host of the horror podcast, Basement Girls.
Sophia Stid is a poet from California. She was the 2019 - 2022 Ecotone Postgraduate Fellow at UNC Wilmington and a recent graduate of the MFA program at Vanderbilt University and Georgetown University, where she studied poetry and theology. She is the winner of the 2021 Barthelme Prize in Short Prose from Gulf Coast and has received fellowships from the Bucknell Seminar for Younger Poets and Sewanee Writers’ Conference. Recent poems and essays can be found or are forthcoming in Best New Poets, Poetry Daily, and Kenyon Review, among others.
Maryan Nagy Captan is a poet, screenwriter, gardener, and birder living in Austin, TX. She is an alumnus of The Michener Center for Writers and the Disquiet International Literary Program.
lily someson (she/they) is a poet and essayist from Chicago. She has obtained a B.A. in Poetry from Columbia College Chicago and is a winner of the 2020 Eileen Lannan poetry prize with the Academy of American Poets. She has read at the Poetry Foundation’s Open Door Reading Series and has also been published/is forthcoming in Court Green, Queeriosity (Young Chicago Authors), and Columbia Poetry Review among others. She is currently a first-year Poetry MFA student at Vanderbilt University and an assistant poetry editor of the Nashville Review.
Claudia Delfina Cardona is a poet born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. She received her B.A. from St. Mary’s University and her MFA in Creative Writing from Texas State University. In 2013, she co-founded Chifladazine alongside Laura Valdez, a zine that highlights creative work by Latinas and Latinxs. In 2019, she co-founded Infrarrealista Review, a literary journal for all types of Texan writers, with Linda Rivas Vázquez. Cardona loves music and films as much as she loves poetry. She is an aspiring DJ and cultural critic. Read her poems at
Julie Howd is a poet from Massachusetts. Her first chapbook, Talking from the Knees Up, was published by dancing girl press in 2018. She holds an MFA from the University of Texas at Austin, where she received the 2015 Roy Crane Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Creative Arts. Her work can be found in Deluge, The Spectacle, Sixth Finch, and elsewhere. She lives in Amherst, MA.
Stephanie Goehring earned an MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers' Workshop and is the author of several poetry chapbooks. She works as a freelance copy editor and as a bookseller at Malvern Books in Austin, TX.