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The Poems of Vikram Babu by Jesús Aguado

Product image 1The Poems of Vikram Babu by Jesús Aguado
Product image 2The Poems of Vikram Babu by Jesús Aguado
Product image 3The Poems of Vikram Babu by Jesús Aguado
Product image 4The Poems of Vikram Babu by Jesús Aguado
Product image 5The Poems of Vikram Babu by Jesús Aguado
Product image 6The Poems of Vikram Babu by Jesús Aguado
Product image 7The Poems of Vikram Babu by Jesús Aguado

Regular price $6.00 Sale price $12.00

translated by Electa Arenal / Beatrix Gates

In this uniquely provocative collection, award-winning Spanish poet Jesús Aguado adopts the voice of Vikram Babu, a seventeenth-century Indian mystic and basket-weaver who guides the reader on an irreverent and enjoyable truth-seeking mission. Each of these fifty fable-like poems ends with Vikram Babu posing a question for his audience, inviting us to take part in the work and let our own responses transform the meaning of the poem. Through the wry observations of his invented persona, Aguado gently unmasks human frailty and hypocrisy, revealing a world of twisted contradictions. In The Poems of Vikram Babu, Aguado extends us an affable, whimsical welcome to a complex universe, an unforgettable world of slanted delight.

The Poems of Vikram Babu should be a marvelous addition to the poetic landscape – and should, like its Spanish original, be a very popular text. It's both rich and accessible – extremely concrete stories, tiny penetrating ones, terribly funny sometimes and otherwise terribly serious... the poignancy of the text is amazing; the themes strike home – not mere fake-zen peek-a-boo surprises but, when taken in as real questions, very satisfying sources of self awareness and questioning. It's the power of the oral tradition, made into a breathtaking text.

– Marie Ponsot

Jesús Aguado's volume, The Poems of Vikram Babu, asks simple questions about profound matters. Or is it profound questions about self-evident truths? Ultimately, Vikram Babu's poems don't offer answers; they merely pose, in verse form, the great philosophical questions that have baffled mankind throughout human history. Yet the poems themselves are so generous that, for a brief, and glorious, moment we feel privy to glimpses of wisdom. This book is the work of a master who understands the disquieting beauty, and power, of Truth.

– Jaime Manrique

There are many different paths that lead to self-discovery... through The Poems of Vikram Babu, Jesús Aguado has fashioned a map that will serve well the reader who decides to embark on this most serious of expeditions.... A debt of gratitude is undeniably owed to Electa Arenal and Beatrix Gates for translating The Poems of Vikram Babu, so that many more people around the world can now add a new and powerful tool to their inventory of indispensable equipment for the journey of self-discovery.

– Metamorphoses

About the Author:
Jesús Aguado was born in Seville (almost) in 1961, and is the author of, among other works, the following books: Los amores imposibles [Impossible Loves] (Hiperión Prize, Madrid, 1990), Libro de homenajes [Book of Homages] (Hiperión, Madrid, 1993), El fugitivo [The Fugitive] (Pre-Textos, Valencia, 1998), Los poemas de Vikram Babu [The Poems of Vikram Babu] (Hiperión, Madrid, 2000), lo que dices de mí [what you say about me] (Pre-Textos, Valencia, 2002), Heridas [Wounds] (Renacimiento, Sevilla, 2004), La astucia del vacío.Cuadernos de Benarés: 1987-2004 [The Cunning Void] (Ediciones Narila, Málaga, 2005). Prominent among his anthologies: Antología de poesía devocional de la India [Anthology of Devotional Poetry of India] (Índica-Etnos, Varanasi, India, 1998), Antología de poemas de las tribus de la India [Poems of the Tribes of India] (maRemoto, Málaga, 2003), El vecino inquietante. Segunda antología de poesía devocional de la India [The Disquieting Neighbor. Second Anthology of Devotional Poetry of India] (4 estaciones, Lucena, 2004), and No pasa nada. Los poetas beats y Oriente [Nothing's Happening: The Beat Poets and the East] (El Bardo, Barcelona, 2007). His work has appeared in forty poetry anthologies, including volumes in Italian, Portuguese, English, French, Romanian, and Swedish. He presently resides in Barcelona.

8.5" x 5.5"
95 pages

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