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In The Studio :: Stephanie Goehring

An artist's studio is a space for experimentation and creation, a space for staring blankly at the wall for hours on end while the mind gathers fuel, a place to catch fire and alight into a new way of thinking. In a studio space, art is made in its purest form, before considerations of public exhibition. An artist's studio, a writer's denin these spaces you step into the midst of invention in progress.

A studio doesn't have to be separate from the rest of our lives; in fact, most of us make art where we live, which is why we felt so incredibly honored to have the opportunity to visit Stephanie Goehring's studio this summerthat is, her apartmentwhere we got a glimpse of the comfy, imaginative space where she writes poetry and makes art.

Stephanie is a multi-faceted artist, and her walls are inhabited by many pieces of her own visual art, as well as pieces from her many talented friends. A large stack of books (not pictured) that were an inspiration for her current chapbook project sits closely to Stephanie's desk where she writes and paints. A wood and cast iron sculpture leans its head with melancholy in the corner. A white cat named Ghost saunters through the room.

Sculpture by Seth Orion Schwaiger

We talked with Stephanie about the muddy, exploratory processes of making visual art, how that process informs her poetry. We talked about impromptu poetry readings in art galleries, future plans for poetry and artist collaboration, and cool ways we can release her new chapbook, forthcoming in Fall of 2019, into the wild. 

We couldn't be more excited to work with this manuscript and are overjoyed to be working with such a warmhearted, intuitive artist. Here's a glimpse into the studio space of Stephanie Goehring.   

  Stephanie In Her Natural Habitat (Background Painting by Max Brooks)


Ghost (our new best friend) Getting Friendly With The Camera <3


Stephanie's Desk, Including A Work In Progress


Stephanie's Desk


Work In Progress 


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