I Scream Social turned FOUR!
Schandra and I (hello, Annar here!) are completely blown away that our little slice of heaven is officially four years old this June! We have a lot to say about how I Scream Social has transformed us and our community, about how our friendship has contributed to this reading series' sustainability, about how much we love the space that Malvern Books so generous carves for us each month, but mostly...we just really want to say that we're so in grateful and full of love and appreciation for the folks how have joined us on this delicious adventure. We'll likely blog about this journey soon, but here's some fun stuff to hold you over!
Four Years in Fun Numbers:
120: (at least) unique featured readers
45: I Scream Socials (including AWP 2019)!
45: women and nonbinary artists featured in the I Scream Social Anthology
45: days on which your hosts were very, very nervous but also excited!
44: times we picked up ice cream!
3: I Scream Social stage designs! (the original: ice cream cones that Annar saw on pinterest & had zero skills to pull together, aka they were really ugly. the ice cream cone balloons, rip: they lasted forever until their sad, deflating death. current, the teenage years: black, purple, pink, gold banners with hand painted lanterns)
2: musical guests! Pls Pls Me & Jade and the Foxtones were the dreamiest
2: times that artists Nat Bradford and Tsz Kam screen printed shirts with us!
1: time when we accidentally picked up 10 gallons of ice cream, instead of our usual 2 gallons & it was extreme.
1: badass anthology that is our pride & joy!
++ Host Publications will be publishing the second I Scream Social Anthology!
That's right! A second I Scream Social Anthology is underway with a projected publication date of Spring 2020! So, if you've read from July 2017 - May 2019, you'll be hearing from us very soon!
Fourth Birthday Party Recap!

Love you always,
Annar & Schandra