❤️ Announcing our Fall 2025 & Spring 2026 Titles ❤️

Awaiting the Green Morning by Maria Rosa Lojo

Product image 1Awaiting the Green Morning by Maria Rosa Lojo
Product image 2Awaiting the Green Morning by Maria Rosa Lojo
Product image 3Awaiting the Green Morning by Maria Rosa Lojo

Regular price $12.00

Translated by Bret Alan Sanders

Dazzling, insightful, and direct, Awaiting the Green Morning takes the reader on a voyage to an unexpected world. Its four distinct sections offer reflections on mythical creatures, the delights of domesticity, the pain of exile, and the forgotten lands of the dispossessed. In Maria Rosa Lojo's richly evocative prose poems,  the exotic and the familiar become one: vampires are as delicate as spiders' webs, and everyday objects become a source of wonder and surprise.


8.5" x 5.5"
115 pages

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