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Ponciá Vicencio by Conceiçáo Evaristo

Product image 1Ponciá Vicencio by Conceiçáo Evaristo
Product image 2Ponciá Vicencio by Conceiçáo Evaristo
Product image 3Ponciá Vicencio by Conceiçáo Evaristo
Product image 4Ponciá Vicencio by Conceiçáo Evaristo

Regular price $12.00

Translated by Paloma Martinez-Cruz

Ponciá Vicencio, the debut novel by Afro-Brazilian writer Conceiçáo Evaristo, is the story of a young Afro-Brazilian woman's journey from the home of her enslaved ancestors to the wasteland of contemporary urban life. In the loneliness of the inhospitable city, voices from the past crowd her mind. What is her grandfather's mysterious legacy? Can her family escape from servitude? And can we ever really outrun our past? This mystical story of family, dreams, and hope illuminates urban and rural Afro-Brazilian conditions with poetic eloquence and raw urgency.


8.5" x 5.5"
132 pages

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